
200 Facts About Nepal and Nepali | Nepalese

Get here some 200 facts about Nepal. Read here interesting facts about Nepal’s history. We are with not only with 10 interesting facts about Nepal which will amuse you but also 100 important facts about Nepal. Get here the most interesting facts about Nepal.  
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  • 50 facts about Nepalese or Nepali
  • 100 facts about Nepal
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  • Facts About Nepal Country,
  • Facts About Nepal Flag,

Facts about Nepal

The nation most well known for its mountain ranges and tranquil way of life, Nepal contains the 8 out of 10 most astounding crests on the planet, including Mount Everest. They have exceptionally different territories, from snow-topped mountains to tropical fields.
It is the main goal for mountain dwellers and climbers who wish to vanquish the most astounding and most perilous mountain, Mount Everest. More than a hundred thousand have trekked and gone to Nepal in the year 2007. A few foundations have been worked to take into account these trekkers and travelers, including tea houses, eateries, and spas.
There is likewise a chance to find out about another culture and way of life through their Ethno-Tourism. Different exercises incorporate biking, kayaking, and wilderness visits.
A few foundations have been worked to take into account these trekkers and travelers, including tea houses, eateries, and spas. There is likewise a chance to find out about another culture and way of life through their Ethno-Tourism. Different exercises incorporate biking, kayaking, and wilderness visits.

Critical and Interesting Facts about Nepal

Nepal is the world’s 93rd biggest nation via arriving mass and the 41st most crowded nation.
It is situated in the Himalayas and flanked toward the north by the People’s Republic of China, and toward the south, east, and west by the Republic of India.
The Nepal signal is the main national banner that is not quadrilateral fit as a fiddle. It is made of two triangles. The triangles are said to speak to Hinduism and Buddhism. They additionally speak to the Himalayan Mountains.
The terrible snowman, otherwise called the Namaste, is an amazing apelike animal that is accepted to visit the high valleys of Nepal.
Namaste is the standard welcome in Nepal. It can mean Hello, Good Bye, Thank You, however, means “I salute the God in you.” People set up their palms together and after that bow their temple, and say “Namaste.”
Hinduism and Buddhism are the two primary religions.
The southern Terai area is rich and moist. Lumbini, the origin of Lord Gautama Buddha, is situated in this area. Lumbini is one of the holiest spots of the Buddhist religion; it contains critical confirmation about the idea of Buddhist journeys dating from as right on time as the third century BCE.
Nepal encounters five seasons: summer, rainstorm, fall, winter, and spring. The Himalaya squares cool winds from Central Asia in the winter and structures the northern furthest reaches of the rainstorm wind designs.
Nepal has the world’s most astounding pinnacle Mt. Everest. That is situated in the Khumbu toward east Nepal. The territory is to a great extent made out of the rough landscape and canyons of the high Himalayas running from 5,800m to the highest point of the world Mt. Everest (8,848m). The locale incorporates upper catchments region of the Dudha Koshi and Bhote Koshi streams as well.
Beginning stage to the most astounding treks to Annapurna Base Camp, Annapurna Range is properly called the ‘Scope of the Gods’. A happy site, the Range is a characteristic amphitheater ringed by a mammoth, great treks like Annapurna 1, Glacier Dome, Gangapurna, Fang and the fishtailed pinnacle of Machhapuchhare. With a few pinnacles extending over 7000 meters, the experience is undoubtedly exciting.
The superb sanctuary of Lord Pashupatinath, around 5 km north-east of Kathmandu, is arranged in the midst of numerous different sanctuaries on the correct bank of the waterway Bagmati. Pashupatinath Temple is thought to be the holiest Hindu Pilgrimage site in Nepal.
Devoted to Hindu Lord Shiva, the altars and sanctuaries of Pashupatinath draw in a huge number of guests from inside and outside the nation consistently. This lush gorge close to the green and air terminal is thought to be one of the dwelling places Lord Shiva.
Regal Chitwan parkland (RCNP) has for a few time been one in every of the nation’s fortunes of standard miracles. The recreation center is organized in south focal Kingdom of Nepal, covering 932 sq. km. within the subtropic marshes of the inward Terai.
The territory involving the Tikauli biome – from Rapti stream to the foothills of the Mahabharat (put) – reaches out finished a spread of a hundred seventy-five sq. km. They vary was Gazette because of the nation’s initial national stop in 1973. Perceiving its one in every of kind biological communities of worldwide hugeness, UN agency pronounced RCMP a World Heritage website in 1984.
In Nepal eight cultural and historical sites are included in the UNESCO list. One of these is Kathmandu Durbar Square. This place is a group of antiquated sanctuaries, royal residences, yards, and roads that join us too with the history of eighteenth hundreds of years. This place is famous for social, religious and urban point of convergence of the Capital City Kathmandu.
The strikingly lovely Golden Gate is Nepal’s pride. The entryway is adorned with valuable stones and is of awesome religious and chronicled significance. The entryway is illustrious in assembled and structure and surmounted by the figure of Kali and Garuda. It is trusted that the brilliant door is two great fairies. The engineering and amazing excellence of the entryway captivates the vacationers.
Hanuman Dhoka is the previous Royal Palace of the Malla rulers and consecutively of the Shah line. A few buildings, taking up around five sections of land, are associated together. Outside the castle is a stone engraving positioned by the late King Pratap Malla.
The engraving has matter composed on it in 15 distinct dialects. It is said that on the off chance that somebody peruses the engraving, at that point drain would spout out from the center of it. Hanuman’s statue, wearing a red shroud, set outside the Darbar, is a protest of dedication.

Cool, Funny, and Fun Facts about Nepal

Nepal is home to one of only a handful couple of spots on earth where you can see both the Bengal tiger and the one-horned rhinoceros.
Bounce Seger composed a melody called Kathmandu in 1975. He composed it when he needed to vanish from the record business, media, and visiting. Kathmandu spoke to a far way arrive where nobody would have the capacity to discover you.
The Nepali banner is the main country with a non-quadrilateral flag. The two triangles symbolize the Himalaya Mountains and speak to the two noteworthy religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.
In June 2001, a slaughter of the imperial family was done by the beneficiary to the honored position, who at that point turned the weapon on himself! Taking all things together, nine individuals from the family were murdered including the ruler, the ruler and different relatives.
The killer made due for a couple of days, amid which time he was proclaimed lord! Numerous Nepalis don’t trust the child could have submitted such a barbarity, in spite of surviving onlooker accounts.
Spitting appears to have moved toward becoming something of a national past-time.
Utilized book shops are as yet fit as a fiddle on the visitor trail. Goosebumps is frequently the most accessible arrangement for youngsters.
Saturday is the main authority end of the weekday, however, at times, individuals are off for a half day on Fridays. Sunday is an ordinary workday.
Dairy animals are allowed in the Hindu religion and can’t be slaughtered. Once dairy animals quit giving milk they are frequently discharged and the group is in charge of encouraging her. Dairy animals wander all finished Nepal, even in the bustling city of Kathmandu. Many individuals have water bison for drain, compost, and meat.
Since cows are consecrated, so is their compost. It is the regular practice to clean the home with water and bovine compost, to perfect and favor it in the meantime.
A standout amongst the most famous recreations in Nepal is called Carrom. It’s similar to pool however with checker-sort pieces that you have to thump into the corners.
There is a great deal of fake merchandise here, particularly The North Face and different organizations that make an open-air outfit.
New Years in Nepal is on April 13. For them, this is the beginning of the year 2070!
Shaking your head does not signify ‘NO’. As a matter of fact, in Nepal, gesturing your head signifies “NO” and bouncing your go-to side (as though conveying every ear nearer to your shoulder) signifies ‘YES’. An exceptionally useful thing to know!

Historical and Cultural Facts about Nepal

The main human advancements in Nepal, which prospered around the sixth century B.C., were bound to the ripe Kathmandu Valley where the present-day capital of a similar name is found. It was in this area that Prince Siddhartha Gautama was conceived c. 563 B.C. Gautama accomplished illumination as Buddha and brought forth Buddhism.
Nepali rulers’ initial support of Buddhism to a great extent offered an approach to Hinduism, mirroring the expanded impact of India, around the twelfth century.
In spite of the fact that the progressive lines of the Gopalas, the Kiratis, and the Licchavis extended their administration, it was not until the rule of the Malla lords from 1200–1769 that Nepal accepted the inexact measurements of the cutting edge state.
The kingdom of Nepal was brought together in 1768 by King Prithvi Narayan Shah, who had fled India following the Moghul victories of the subcontinent. Under Shah and his successors, Nepal’s fringes extended as far west as Kashmir and as the Far East as Sikkim (now part of India). A business arrangement was marked with Britain in 1792 and again in 1816 after over a time of threats with the British East India Company.
In 1923, Britain perceived the supreme freedom of Nepal. In the vicinity of 1846 and 1951, the nation was governed by the Rana family, which constantly held the workplace of PM. In 1951, notwithstanding, the ruler assumed control over all power and broadcasted a protected government.
Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah moved toward becoming Lord in 1955. After Mahendra kicked the bucket of a heart assault in 1972, Prince Birendra, at 26, prevailing to the royal position.
Individuals in Nepal don’t welcome each other with a handshake, but instead set up their palms together and bow their temple and say Namaste (straightforwardly deciphered as ‘I salute the God in youˇ). This is a similar welcome utilized all through India.
A prominent and shabby ‘fast food’ is the Momo. Delectable dumplings produced using flour and water loaded with various fillings like chicken, meat or vegetables either signed or steamed and presented with a plunging sauce.
The Sherpas are an ethnic gathering from for the most part the eastern rocky piece of Nepal. Many are utilized as doormen for mountain undertakings as they don’t endure the impact of elevation and because of their hereditary qualities and childhood. Many gatherings allude to their Watchmen as Sherpas.
There is a solid animistic and shamanic custom. Confidence in phantoms, spirits, and witchcraft is across the board, particularly in provincial territories. Resentful witches, hungry apparitions, and irate spirits are thought to cause sickness and setback. Shamans intercede between the human and otherworldly domains to find the reason for an ailment and prescribe treatment.
Just men furrow, while getting water is by and large considered ladies’ work. Ladies cook, administer to kids, wash garments, and gather kindling and grain. Men play out the heavier rural assignments and frequently participate in the exchange, pottering, and other work outside the town.
The two men and ladies perform physically requesting work, however, ladies tend to work longer hours, have less available time, and pass on more youthful.
Nepal’s scholarly convention dates just to the nineteenth century with Bhanubhakta Acharya’s adjustment of the Hindu epic, Ramayana, for a Nepali readership that has promoted Nepalese language as well.
The improvement of writing in Nepal has been blocked by overwhelming government control and restriction, which drove Nepali writers and artists to look for distribution outside of Nepal until the 1930s, when Nepal’s first scholarly journal, Sharada, made a more open scene for abstract articulation.
Emotional creations frequently concentrate on religious topics drawn from Hindu legends, albeit political parody and other comedic frames are likewise well known. There is a rich melodic legacy, with various particular instruments and vocal styles, and music has turned into a marker of personality for the more youthful era.
Daura Suruwal is considered as the National Dress of Nepal which comprises of a knee-length sleeved shirt that ties shut along the edge, jeans, and shoes called docha. This dress is typically worn by the Nepalese men and it might likewise they subsist a coat or coat over for warmth. A few parts of the Daura Suruwal have religious ramifications for the Buddhist and Hindu professionals in Nepal.

50 Facts about Nepali or Nepalese

1. Mo: Mo and Chow Mein are the favorite food:

One thing that no Nepalese people miss while eating food is Mo: Mo. Nepalese people whenever to go to restaurants or anywhere else to have launched, they always order  Mo: Mo. If not Mo: Mo, Then they go for chow mein. That’s why Mo: Mo and Chow Mein shop are considered as one of the most successful starting up business in Nepal.

2. Rice is the most in breakfast and dinner

Like Mo: Mo in the lunch, Nepalese people must have rice for their breakfast and dinner. If Nepalese people miss the rice in breakfast and don’t get rice to eat the whole day, then they think they will die of starvation. No matter what, they have to eat a plate of rice each day twice.

3. Good marks are the only thing to make life secure.

If not every, then most of the Nepalese parents have a narrow mindset that only good marks in exams and studies make the life secure. Good Marks + Good job = Life secure is the mathematical formula of Nepalese parents for good life. That’s why many Nepalese parents want their children to read well and for this, they even take a huge amount of loan only for school fee.

4. Stones are considered as gods.

Nepalese people follow many religions. Most of the Nepalese people believe in God and worship a statue or a stone regarding as a god every morning and evening and put tika and prasad too.

5. Sons are more preferred than daughters

Most of the Nepalese prefer sons than daughters. They want at least one son in the home. That’s why most of the Nepalese people give birth to many daughters in order to fulfill their desire of giving birth to a son. This practice can still be found in rural areas of Nepal. But giving priority to sons than daughters can be found in the developed cities too.

6. Showing off the jewels makes Nepalese women proud.

Most of the Nepalese ladies especially married ones love to show off their jewelry in front of their friends and relatives. Festivals like Teej, Dashain and occasions like wedding ceremony are like jewelry showing off competition for the women. The women compete with each other and the winner feels proud. And for it, they even take loans to make gold and diamond jewels only to show off to their friends.

7. The caste system is still practiced  

Nepalese people still practice hundreds of caste system.  Since the Caste System is in its own place, Nepalese people even in this modern time don’t want to do intercaste marriage. Not only marriage, but the so-called big caste people also don’t even drink water if the so-called small caste has touched it.

8. No lawsuits powerful person

Nepalese people have the problem of bribing. People with more money and power can do almost anything and the law can’t do anything to them. The problem of bribing can be found from a driver to ministers. No lawsuits the powerful person, no lawsuits the person with money.

9. Toxic Substance as blessings of Lord Shiva

About 70% of people in Nepal follow Hindu religion. Most Nepalese youths think that being addicted to toxic substances is to way life in the footprint of Lord Shiva.

10. Nepalese mother’s think that their children will remain hungry if she doesn’t feed them

Nepalese mother’s think that their children will remain hungry if she doesn’t feed them. This is happening very often and common in Nepalese family. This is a kind of love for a child(son or daughter) done by his/her mother.

11. To have an own house is more than appreciated by Nepalese people

To have an own house is more than appreciated by Nepalese people. This is a trend among Nepalese people. Staying in a house or occupying a home as a tenant is not a satisfactory thing. It is a very good thing to own a house and the people having their own house are the respected one among all.

12. Nepalese people think that there is a tree of money in a foreign country so they want to grab going there

Nepalese people think that there is a tree of money in a foreign country so they want to grab going there. Many Nepalese people somehow or anyhow manage to go abroad to study or working purpose. Here somehow or anyhow means the people sell their property like land, buildings or something like that to meet their goals.

13. Belief in Reincarnation

Do you believe in reincarnation? I don’t know about reincarnation but there are many religions in which people do believe in Reincarnation of gods and people. Most of the Nepalese people believe in reincarnation so they worship their ancestors.

14. Supernatural Power

Most Nepalese people believe that frogs and snakes have supernatural powers and whenever frog croak it rains. This belief is popular among the Nepalese people who are mostly involved in farming or agricultural activities. As 70% of Nepalese are doing agriculture it is a common thing for most people around the nation.

15. The Ego of Nepalese People

This is human nature that they want to be superior to another human around them. And so is people from Nepal. The fact number 15 is that the Nepalese people want to be superior in front of others. Here superior means in all sort of thing. For instance, the way they talk, the place they work, the way they are living, etc. You get it, right??

16. Why Break from World Wide Web

There are many things that we can find online on the internet, from a small pen to the huge and big airplanes that can be purchased if you got enough money. So, in such a condition why should one be out from the internet world when you enter that world. Let me tell you the other fact i.e the Nepalese people can invest their whole day without even a break on the Internet. As you know that there are lots of other stuff that can make you busy and entertain at the same time. Some of them, a common might be facebook, youtube, twitter, and Instagram.

17. Are you married?

Are you married? I am asking you this question because most of the marriages are facebook arranged marriage in Nepal. People find and are using Facebook as the app or software that is useful for making a relationship like a girlfriend, boyfriend, or even the marriage. This is a fact that can be common in different parts of the world also.

18. Something Weird

This is the weird fact that In many areas most of the Nepalese people do not even hesitate to marry a person older to the age of own grandfather or grandmother.

19. Cows and their manures are sacred so they can be used in any cleanliness regarding works

Cows and their manures are sacred so they can be used in any cleanliness regarding works. We also believe that cow is a god and worship it every morning and especially in Tihar.

20. Favorite Habitual Words

Almost every Nepalese people have their favorite word which they use more than often. Example: Chahi, Tapaiko, etc. You may also have it if you belong to a country like Nepal.

21. My Hands are Better than Any Other Ingredients Used in My Food

Many people in the world are using a spoon or such kind of stuff to eat their food whereas the Nepalese People use their hands to eat food. They believe food tastes better while eating by hand. Can you believe that your hands are better than any other ingredients in your food?

22. Brave Enough to Be A Popular Citizen Throughout the World

Nepalese people are known as the bravest people around the world. Nepalese people have given a lot of signs and done several sorts of things that proved them one of the braves around the globe.

23. Brides are decorated with everything red and lots of jewelry

Marriage in Nepalese society may not seem or look like a normal marriage if you are not from the Nepali community and Nepal. But these things are normal here. Nepalese Brides are well decorated with everything red and lots of jewelry. They also spend a lot on furniture and other stuff even if they are not able to afford it. Due to these things the marriage is fun, enjoyable and disastrous sometimes It is the really time-consuming a thing to do. Also at the same time, it requires a  lot of money and people to complete this event.

24. When You Know That  This is Free

How much food do you eat? Are you in dieting? Do you eat a lot of food if you are given it for free or at a low cost? Nepalese people if getting something for free can eat more than it can go on their stomach but if need to pay for it they will even not eat one-fourth part of their stomach.

25. Don’t be a Corrupt Please

Most of the Nepalese people who are in political parties and job are corrupted. The people of Nepal want peace and prosperity. On the other hand, they want the development of their country. So for all these things to happen all the Nepalese people must do their job wisely, they must not be taking part in the activities like corruption or help and support any other person involving in such sort of activity.

26. Do you know why Capital city is so much populated and polluted

As Kathmandu, a capital city of Nepal is a dream place for most of the Nepalese people. So, Kathmandu is overloaded with people these days. As the city is overloaded the pollution is normal to be the thing here. It’s very hard to find room to stay in the city. You’re lucky if you get one.

27. A Sign of Blessing

Do you want to stay blessed? Here is a thing you may want to try, a red mark in forehead called Tika is a sign of blessing for every Nepalese Person if he/she belong to Hindu community.

28. Are you from Christian Community, Then You Probably Be Eating a Meat of Cow

Nepalese people call Christian a religion which eats a cow. Some may consider other religions do eat these animal’s meat, too.

29. Don’t Cross My Way Kitty

Nepalese people do believe that if a cat crosses the road then your day is cursed, and also nothing will happen right. This belief is also applicable to other animals, too. If this event happens to the people, they put something on the road or throws something away from that same line that the animal has crossed the road. This is also a superstitious belief among Nepalese people.

30. If you sneeze, I’ll stop for a few minutes

This fact is a superstitious one. If someone sneezes while another person is about to go somewhere then the person should wait for 10-15 minutes otherwise his day will be cursed and all his work will not happen as thought. Just imagine if someone(one or more) has had a family member who’s suffering from common cold what will happen to their outdoor visit or such sorts of activity.

31. What’s Namaste all about

Nepalese people’s greeting is to put their palm together and bow their forehead and say Namaste.

32. Citizen of Nepal

Ever been to Nepal or you are one of the citizens of Nepal then you should know that the Nepalese people call themselves citizens of a country which lies between two huge stones. Here two stones mean the two neighboring countries of Nepal i.e India and China respectively. Nepal is a very small country in comparison to these two neighboring countries.

33. Worshiping Husband As God

We all worship and have faith in something called god. Ever heard of a woman worshiping a man because she’s married to that man. What I want to talk here is that the Nepalese women worship their husband as god and believe in fasting which helps to increase the life of their husband like in Shravan’s every Monday and teej, a woman’s festival, too. This tradition is making a relationship of husband and wife stronger than before. The worshiping and fasting is also found in Indian culture also.

34. Who are Gorkhalis?

Nepalese people are widely known as the Gorkhalis around the planet, earth. In the world Nepalese are known as gorkhali the bravest person too. The weapon of Gorkhali, known as khukuri is famous, too. There was and maybe confusion and controversy with respect to this topic that who is Gorkhali in the world, I hope till now you have got the answer to your query.

35. Don’t Have Independence Day

In the world  history the Nepalese people are never ruled by any other country. Due to the bravest warrior we have we never have to live as a colonized country and it is the greatest thing in itself. That is why we Nepalese do not have a independent day as we never were colonized. Nepal’s neighbor country, India celebrates Independence Day in their country.

36. Simpler Hardworking Nepalese People

Ever heard, “Simplicity is the perfection.” Nepalese people are simple. So, Nepalese people are recognised as the simpler people and most hardworking one in the world,wherever in the world Nepalese are living. It is good thing to work hard but Nepalese people should really think about working smart, too. Smart work is always very beneficial for them.

37. Showing a Curtsey is a good thing to do

Nepalese people are good at showing curtsey. Well it is believed that Nepalese people wherever in the world they live they show courtesy to other. They respect other and show humanity to other. They treat their relative and even to unknown people their family member. I think we all should try these things for a betterment and peace of world , don’t we?

38. Considered kind and helpful

Nepalese are living all over the world. In every corner of the world, they are doing good in their sector. People of the other country considered Nepalese people good hardworking and generous  one. They are laborious and don’t show greed in other success. People around the globe consider Nepalese people very helpful, kind-hearted and good in nature and behaviour. It is really a good thing for Nepal and Nepalese people. They should be proud of themselves and keep doing and improving in it.

39. The Unique Way of Greetings

Nepalese people use Namaste as a greeting word. And you should know this if you have already knowledge what a greetings Namaste is that Namaste is typically done with a slight bow and hands held together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs near the chest. All over the world only Nepalese people greet their respected person saying Namaste. That is it is helpful in finding the identity of being Nepalese. It is also a way of expressing thankfulness and gratefulness towards other. This culture and tradition is also found in Indian people.

40. The Trend of Going Abroad

Every Nepalese teenagers has a kind of trend that they should or after completing their schooling want to either go Australia or America. They like , matter of fact they love to study in such European and American country. They love working there and they want to settle over there. You know if you asked them for their life goals , ten out of five answers living, studying, working and settling in one of the American or European country.

41. Bargain or Die

I think the title suit for this fact or not but you know whenever Nepalese people go for the shopping we always do bargaining even if the product is on sale. We check the price tag and definitely ask for the discount if it is a fix price, too. Bargain saves your money and you may get a good quality thing in a lesser amount of money if you are lucky enough.

42. A Famous Window Shopping

The other fun thing to do for people is shopping and a shopping and a shopping. Nepalese people always do window shopping in malls like bhatbhateni civil mall and buy from bhrikuti mandap or other street shop offer. They like to purchase and buy stuff there and they really feel happy about that thing.

43. Later , the Better

I don’t know whether it is a good thing or bad thing that it is absolutely ok for Nepalese people to pocket the free toothpick mint packet and fennel seeds served at restaurant  to be used later while walking down to catch the taxi micro or tampoo or doing the other jobs.

44. Its all about price tag

Before deciding whether the dress is good or bad we see price tag. For many Nepalese people fashion is like a price tag that determines the one. You can get good thing is good price. Its not the price all the time that makes the clothes or any other things expensive or the cheapest one. What do you think?

45.The fun of extra things in life

This is really a true thing that we humans by nature need more and more things. So, we don’t bother asking for extra sauce for the momo, chow mein, pakoda and french fries. And so do Nepalese people. It may sound weird or funny or something not a thing to do like thing but asking for more food and eating is good thing you know.

46. Miscalling is Fun to do

This is the fact that many Nepalese people do not forget to give missed call. Have you ever given miss call to anyone. Your friends, family, relatives or boyfriend / girlfriend or even an unknown peoples number. If you have done it then you are welcome to the miscalling club and you know how fun and enjoyable it is. If you have never tried doing such thing I suggest you to try it once in your lifetime. You can thank me later, and you are welcome.

47. Movie junkie

We always spend 400 for the coffee in the movie theater but always do bargaining while buying vegetable and fruit which cost fifty or sixty rupee in the street vendor. Nepalese people love watching movie a lot. Also they are ready to spend more amount of money in the food and other eating stuffs while watching movie. If such is case I think the street vendor who sells the vegetables and fruits should go and sell his stuff in the cinema hall. That doubles his profit and that’s one hell of the marketing strategy.

48. Not so social maybe

In Nepal, people spend 50 to 60 thousand or more for a smartphone or iPhone but don’t spend a rupee to call or SMS to their relatives in the festival and wait for the free SMS. Is it  the telecommunication company(due to high call or SMS cost / rate) or the people themselves that makes people in being social or making the relationship strong is tough than spending money for a high end smartphones?

49. Spending money in a party

Nepalese people spend a lot of money on weekend party at the club but never give a penny to the needy people. Nepalese people, some may like or dislike but they like to enjoy in a party very much. Spending in a parties like wedding party, birthday party, Christmas party , a new year party or some other reason to make such event and spending a lot amount of money is not a big deal.

50. Showing off trend

There is a well-practiced trend that Nepalese people always, almost always try to spend a lot of money for showing off in the festival no matter they don’t even have money to buy food for that (day) night. It has become like a habit or  vogue. They always try to be better than neighbour in such kind of stuff.

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